Annotation Interface PersistenceContext

Expresses a dependency on a container-managed EntityManager and its associated persistence context.
  • Optional Element Summary Link icon

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    (Optional) The name by which the entity manager is to be accessed in the environment referencing context; not needed when dependency injection is used.
    (Optional) Properties for the container or persistence provider.
    (Optional) Specifies whether the persistence context is always automatically synchronized with the current transaction or whether the persistence context must be explicitly joined to the current transaction by means of the EntityManager.joinTransaction() method.
    (Optional) Specifies whether a transaction-scoped persistence context or an extended persistence context is to be used.
    (Optional) The name of the persistence unit as defined in the persistence.xml file.
  • Element Details

    • name Link icon

      String name
      (Optional) The name by which the entity manager is to be accessed in the environment referencing context; not needed when dependency injection is used.
    • unitName Link icon

      String unitName
      (Optional) The name of the persistence unit as defined in the persistence.xml file. If the unitName element is specified, the persistence unit for the entity manager that is accessible in JNDI must have the same name.
    • type Link icon

      (Optional) Specifies whether a transaction-scoped persistence context or an extended persistence context is to be used.
    • synchronization Link icon

      SynchronizationType synchronization
      (Optional) Specifies whether the persistence context is always automatically synchronized with the current transaction or whether the persistence context must be explicitly joined to the current transaction by means of the EntityManager.joinTransaction() method.
    • properties Link icon

      PersistenceProperty[] properties
      (Optional) Properties for the container or persistence provider. Vendor specific properties may be included in this set of properties. Properties that are not recognized by a vendor are ignored.